I want to thank all of you for thinking of me on my birthday yesterday. I was amazed with all the beautiful handmade cards and heartfelt gifts. We have such a sweet and caring group of kids in our class. I can't stop bragging to my husband (also a teacher) about how perfect my class is this year. Each child adds so much personality and I truly enjoy every one of them.
Here are some of the things we've been working on this week:
- Your child has been writing a personal narrative on a topic of their choice. They've learned how to add dialogue and similies to make their writing much more enjoyable. We'll be sending these home next week. I think you'll be really proud of the writing progress your child has made thus far!
- We began topic 4 in math this week which is all about place value. We're going to become secure with the ones and tens place first and then move all the way up to the 10,000's place. We'll be working hard on place value for the next several weeks.
- In shared reading the kids have been learning the difference between the 5 W questions: who, what, when, where, and why. They explored these questions while listening to and reading a narrative fiction book, Dear Mr. Blueberry.
- Did you hear about "Apple Smiles" yet? This was our first "Snazzy Snack" that we created to finish off our Johnny Appleseed unit in social studies. The children wrote the recipe in their best second grade handwriting and then followed step-by-step directions to create the treat. Remember at the end of the year, your child will be bringing home their recipe books so your whole family can try them out together. Thanks again to Raegan and Gabe for being our "Snazzy Snack" shoppers this month!
I wanted to let you know about a slight change in Word Study that will be starting on Monday. In order to differentiate for idividual student needs, the second grade team has decided to move to a flexible grouping model. We will be splitting all the second graders into groups that will focus on specific needs. The children will meet with one of the second grade teachers (Palmer, Cox, Leipart, or myself) every day for 20-30 minutes. The purpose of this flexible grouping model is to provide smaller group instruction in the area of word study in which your child needs the most support. We strongly believe that this method will be the most beneficial for all of our second graders. The kids are really looking forward to starting this new approach next week!
Please take note of the following upcoming dates:
- Our next PTO meeting is Tuesday, October 4th at 6:00 pm in the Media Center.
- Picture Day is next Wednesday, October 5th. If you'd like to order school pictures, please complete the Lifetouch form and return it on Wednesday.
- The October book order will be sent home on Monday. It will be due back to school on Thursday, October 13th. Remember that this is a very inexpensive way to build your child's classroom library.
- We do not have school on Monday, October 10th in rememberance of Columbus Day.
- Market Day pick-up will be at 4:45 on October 13th in the school gym.
Have a nice, relaxing weekend! If you need to get in touch with me, please feel free to email at jweber@psd202.org