Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summers are for relaxing...wait, what?

Have you ever heard someone say, "Teachers have it so easy; they only work nine months out of the year."?  Well, I'm here to tell ya that people with those beliefs are SILLY!  It's true that I have some time away from my students during the summer months, but that does not mean that I'm not working.  In all my years of teaching, I have never taken a summer "off".  Today I'm here to show you just some of the things I've been working on this *week*. 

Yesterday, when I wasn't busy trying to figure out this whole blogging thing, I made a little trip to my good ol' go-to craft store, Michael's.  Why did I go there?  Because I had a 25% off coupon and I just knew I could find something for my classroom!  Well after wandering around for about an hour, I left there with a cartload of goodies and some fun classroom projects.  I would like you to meet Mrs. Tattle:

 Mrs. Tattle is going to replace an ugly (okay, cute) little tattle box that I had in my classroom in the past.  Her purpose is to give children an outlet for those not-so-serious situations that they feel like telling someone about.  Example - "Johnny has four pencils in his desk and he's only supposed to have two."  Of course Mrs. Tattle won't make her appearance until we've had plenty of time to distinguish the difference between important things that we need to tell an adult versus less important things that we can tell Mrs. Tattle. 

My other projects this week were much simpler (well, for me) than Mrs. Tattle because they only required my computer, the printer, and lots of cute fonts and clip art.  I'd like to thank DJ Inkers for all the fonts and clip art that make my teaching life so much cuter!  The first picture shows my adorable lesson plan book for this upcoming school year.  I'm in love!  I had so much fun creating it that I also made one for Mr. Weber. 

The next picture shows some of the class book covers I've been creating for the first week of school.  I'm going to mount the pages onto construction paper, laminate, and then use them as a cover for the class books my little darlings are going to write the first week of school.  I still have several more to create, but this is a good start. 

In addition to the class book covers, I've also been typing and creating several handouts that I will be using at Curriculum Night.  Some of them are questionnaires; some are just letters explaining my classroom policies and expectations.  I know one thing is certain; I've used up a lot of ink this week!!    

Finally, I've been racking my brain this week trying to come up with a new idea for a back-to-school bulletin board.  Last year I did this really cute iPod.  What should I do this year?  Hmmmmm......

Well, it's Sunday, so I guess that's it for this week.  Tomorrow I'm going into my classroom to see how it looks after the summer cleaning.  I'll post pictures of all that excitement tomorrow!

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